Monday, October 18, 2010

just one day out of life..

..finally booked up for the US 2011 road trip :) so i am currently making lists of all the things i need to see and do in vegas, san fran, san diego and far, looks like we will be some very busy bee's. excited to see it all & just to go somewhere new again..


Friday, October 15, 2010

anyone want to buy me some stuff?

pictures: M&S, riverisland & office

wise words..

"DON’T shop online after a few glasses of wine.I will get things shipped to me, and I’m like, What was I thinking?! But that crazy printed caftan seemed stylish to me at 11:30 on a Thursday night.

DON’T waste your time on people who aren’t kind to you.In the long run karma always comes into play, and if you just take the high road, you’ll be fine."

all hail queen LC

Thursday, October 7, 2010

* strawberry fields forever *

they never play beatles on the radio so this brightened up a cloudy donnerstag. i constantly wonder what music the world could have been privileged with...


some girls..

...can do NO wrong!

pics: glamour

love love love

Friday, October 1, 2010

FRITAG wishlist

dunno what it is about the 'pleats' but me likey..


SO good..

...but yet SO bad!!!
